Creature by Hunter Shea
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! Just wow! I’ve been reading Hunter Shea’s works for a couple of years. Most of them are fun monster romps or freakin’ scary paranormal ghost stories. Creature is unique.
Hunter gets you invested in the main characters and their relational and medical problems from the outset. He slowly blends in horror as the book progresses and we watch Kate and Andrew deal with all the blows they are dealt in life. Finally, even an idyllic sabbatical to a summer cabin in Maine has the total opposite affect hoped for. The horror elements mount as the titled Creature asserts itself more and more into their vacation.
Descriptions of Kate’s agony throughout her battles with her diseases are often emotional punches. The same with Andrew’s attempts to deal with his rage at being unable to help. This book was a roller coaster for me, start to finish. Hunter’s prose keeps you engaged in the fate of these characters throughout. There are several points in the book where I concluded I knew what the “Creature” was, but each time Hunter shifted the bar and the conclusion/reveal was quite a surprise.
Highly recommended!
This review is based on an ARC purchased from the author.