So, I have been absent for a while trying to explore ideas and methods for my next stories. Shooting for a pulp type hero and feel so I have been reading old hero pulps. I read Doc Savage and The Shadow almost 45 years ago as a kid. Bantam put out the Doc reprints and I would always slip one or two into Mom’s shopping cart at the Navy Exchange in Charleston. She didn’t know what they were, but my Dad sure did because he read them as a kid in the ’30s and while in the Navy in the ’40s. I start with The Spider because of the reasons I give in my review.
The Spider, Master of Men! #1: The Spider Strikes! by R.T.M. Scott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Loved it. Getting back into classic pulp, you know, Doc Savage and The Shadow, but I had heard The Spider was grittier. True! Plus, Wentworth is a swordsman and my daughter is a fencer, so another uptick in my book! So many more to read will be starting the second one soon!