Chapter Six from Horror of Hell Hole Swamp
Up to four chapters posted on my Wattpad profile for Black Eyes. Tweet
So I’ve been experimenting and posting on Today I have a few short stories and two, yes two, chapters of my Black Eyed Kids story titled, “Black Eyes,” posted. “They’re not the kids next door. A journey of discovery and terror begins for Rochefort “Roach” Scott with a knock …
Knock! Knock! “Are you kidding me? Who’s stopping here this late at night?” Rochefort “Roach” Scott placed the bookmark in his paperback copy of The Black and glanced at the mantle clock. “It’s 11:50, damn near midnight,“ he muttered as he put the book on the coffee table and levered …
Wrote 517 words today in Terror. Unfortunately I had to go back into a couple of early chapters to put a gun on the mantel as they say. I added an element in Chapter Six, but had to go back into earlier chapters to set it up. For shame, foreshadow. …
Still working through Terror. 504 words then off to see “Deadpool” at the movies. Tweet
602 words today. Was on a roll but had to stop as one of our huskies, after being inside for two weeks, decided to download her puppies this evening. Three so far, expecting at least two more. Tweet
507 words today. Another day, another death. Tweet
Managed 505 words today on Terror. It’s a trap. -John Tweet
Fifth day spent moving down the road, Little Hell Hole Road in my story Terror. 507 words today. Tweet