Day Eighteen – Gruesome Discovery
Only managed 503 today on Terror. Trying to find an end to Chapter Six. Tweet
Only managed 503 today on Terror. Trying to find an end to Chapter Six. Tweet
503 words on Terror today. Two men are down. Nearing end of Chapter Six, where to next? Tweet
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice as we dive down the rabbit hole in Terror. Chapter six with 521 words. Tweet
Wrote 517 words today in Terror. Unfortunately I had to go back into a couple of early chapters to put a gun on the mantel as they say. I added an element in Chapter Six, but had to go back into earlier chapters to set it up. For shame, foreshadow. …
Still working through Terror. 504 words then off to see “Deadpool” at the movies. Tweet
602 words today. Was on a roll but had to stop as one of our huskies, after being inside for two weeks, decided to download her puppies this evening. Three so far, expecting at least two more. Tweet
513 words tonight on Terror. Chapter Five ends with another disappearance. Tweet
The night scares are over, now for daytime revelations. 509 words tonight. Tweet
507 words today. Another day, another death. Tweet
Managed 512 words today on Terror. Started Chapter 5 and introduce a new group into Terror on the Swamp Fox Trail! – John Tweet