Circular Run is Finished!

Circular Run! is finished. Yes my 2500 word short story involving time travel, a father and son, and a World War II submarine is finished and published on Amazon. You can grab a copy here at Circular Run! I’ve also gone ahead and published Down the Throat! as well.41NJGsinSOL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-69,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_

After having a block on finishing this story, I decided to just sit down and write a brief outline on what scenes I still wanted to include from my stopping point to the end of the story. that worked out well and the next day I was able to finish the story in about three hours. So, on the next story I will start with some scene notes to get the ball rolling and see if I can make this a habit.



  1. Katherine Einspahr

    I work as a librarian, where patrons have inquired about the logistics in ePublising a book. Can you recommend a person or any resources that might be helpful in coaching a writer?

    • John

      They may want to look at Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing and Barnes and Nobles Nook Press. Both allow import of word manuscripts and will convert to proper format for sale on their respective sites.

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