So with the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 looming, I have reopened a couple of my stalled projects. I had to spend some time reacquainting myself with the innards of a Balao Class Fleet Submarine, specifically the social areas like the crew’s mess and where they all had to bunk. I wonder if racks were assigned based on the sailor’s duty? Like did the torpedo men have to use the bunks in the forward and after torpedo rooms? Anyway, it’s a short story called “Circular Run” which involves a World War II submarine and, of all things, time travel. Yep, I said time travel. You’ll see…
I have also brought back to the writing table some memoirs I started about the years I spent growing up in Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. GITMO was a unique experience for a kid in the early 60’s just starting Kindergarten, but I have many memories of that place. Some funny and some scary. From milkweed and Beer Can Hill to hurricanes and cutting the water pipe to show Castro and the world we weren’t “stealing” his water.
Stay tuned as I may be posting some of those stories here on the site. In the meantime, hope you all have a wonderful New Year!